It's been one heck of a year. We've watched as the travel industry has crashed, come back, and then continued to ride the tides of new COVID variants throughout the months.
Luckily, with vaccines becoming readily available, we were finally able to resume travel safely and send guests to some of our favorite places on the African continent (Rwanda, Botswana, South Africa, Kenya and Mozambique). See some sample itineraries here.
Jomi and I were fortunate enough to be able to spend lots of time in Africa exploring new areas, commiserating with travel partners on the ground, and recharging in the bush.
We enjoyed a sunny Christmas morning hike with family up Table Mountain in Cape Town and welcomed in the new year in Botswana's Okavango Delta, one of our favorite places in the world.
Despite a feeling of trepidation and frustration at the news of Omicron variant's swift spread across the US and the world, we were uplifted by the dedication of all the hotel and lodge staff to keep us safe and their immense gratitude for our presence there after what has been an indescribably difficult two years for the industry.
As we look back through our photos of 2021, we reflect on some of our favorite moments. Have a look here:

Above: A herd of oryx at the foot of a dune in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A juvenile Meerkat gazes into the sunset at Tswalu Lodge in the South African Kalahari. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A spotted hyena carries the remnants of a buffalo away from the prying eye of another clan member. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: An elephant bulls munches on a mouthful of lily pads on the Jao Concession in Botswana. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A pair of mating leopards bare teeth and claws right after copulating at Mombo Camp. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A young leopard gets a face full of dirt as a warthog tries to shoo it away from its burrow entrance. Mombo Camp. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A colorful lilac breasted roller proudly displays its lizard kill, shortly before swallowing it whole at DumaTau Camp. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: Two leopards blow Jomi and Hadley's minds as they climb into a massive Baobab tree to mate as the sun begins to set at Mombo Camp. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: An adult Oryx antelope rests in the tall grass during the middle of the day in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: Four lions look into the distance, listening as a lost pride member makes contact calls as it tries to relocate its pride in Botswana's Okavango Delta. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A famously rare male white lion in South Africa's Kruger National Park. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A young baboon sucks its thumb while it rests on its mothers chest in South Africa's Kruger National Park. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: Four lions quarreling in Botswana's Okavango Delta. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: An elephant matriarch leads her family out of the Linyanti River in Botswana. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A soaked elephant calf reaches for its mothers tail after emerging from the Linyanti River. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: Two young lions get their claws out as they play fight on the banks of the Linyanti River. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A young lion feeds on an elephant carcass in the Linyati area of Botswana. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A warthog nonchalantly struts past pack of wild dogs resting beside the water hole at Vumbura Plains. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A sub-adult lion weighs up the pros and cons of hunting one of the many buffalo in eyesight at Vumbura Plains. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: While stalking a buffalo herd, a young lioness lifts her head to reveal the tell tale spots on the back of her ears. Vumbura Plains. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A shy Pel's Fishing Owl roosting just below the canopy on an island in Botswana's Okavango Delta. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A baboon sentinel carefully observes his surroundings from the top of a large termite mound in Vumbura Plains. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A photogenic sable antelope turns to show off its impressive curved horns in Botswana's Okavango Delta. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A giraffe mother affectionately nuzzles her youngster's back at Tubu Tree Camp. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A Verreaux's Eagle Owl shows off its distinct pink eyelids as it prepares to fly off. Tubu Tree Camp. ©Hadley Pierce

Above: A female giraffe keeps her youngster close, showing off the stark size difference between the two. ©Hadley Pierce
Here's to many more amazing safaris and photographic opportunities in 2022!